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Every business stands a chance to thrive when the question of location has been answered. And having a website, is the best answer to that question.

A website is like a space rented on the internet and has a wider coverage than a normal office location. Research has found that 6/10 customers expect brands to have content online about their business. The need to have a website cannot be over emphasized as majority of internet users base their decisions on that. In Nigeria, as the tech boost increases, more people have started embracing the internet to conduct day to day activities. Hence you see the likes of Konga, Jumia, Uber, Andela, VConnect, Paystack and a host of others saying how their business has been boosted. Having a well- maintained websites profits one in many ways. See below just some advantages of websites;

Boosts one’s online presence:

  • Having a website means customers are always able to find you – anytime, anywhere. Even outside of business hours, your website continues to find and secure new customers. It offers the user convenience as they can access the information they need in the comfort of their own home, with no added pressure to buy. As most companies nowadays have their own website, there’s every chance you could be losing customers to your competitors by staying offline (not having a website). With the tech boost, its now affordable to get a website, and you dont have to stress yourself. Learn more about this offer here.


  • In today’s modern world, there is an expectation for any company to have some kind of online presence. Potential customers would likely be distrusting of any business that didn’t have a telephone number or a physical address, and the same can be said for not having a website and email address. These are useful tools to share crucial information about your business with customers and answer all the What’s and Why’s that they may have. What’s more, having a good quality, easy-to-use website makes customers feel comfortable using your services, as they will assume they can expect the same positive experience in all areas of your business.

Improves Productivity and customer service:

  • A well detailed website increases a company’s productivity because less time is spent explaining product or service details to customers because all this information is available 24 hours a day on your website. A properly designed website would save one a whole lot of stress.

Market Expansion:

  • As your site is accessible to anyone all over the world, the ability to break through geographical barriers has never been easier. Anyone, from any country, will be able to find your company and as such, is now a potential customer.

Serves as a great marketing channel:

  • Having a website surely increases your reach all over the world. By staying up to date with the latest digital marketing trends, you can push your page and climb search engine results.

If you have a business and you haven’t gotten a website, then you should because You’ll probably wish you made the decision to get one Now in 3 years time.

Click here to see our affordable plans that provide you a great quality website.
