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If you are a business or brand and you haven’t tapped into the advertising power of Facebook, then you need to have a rethink. First of all, it’s a goldmine when it comes to users. As of June 2017, Facebook boasts of more than 2 billion monthly active users and an impressive 1 billion+ daily users so just think what you miss by not using them.

Following Facebook’s latest update, it’s harder than ever for businesses to reach users through organic posts which averages about 2 percent reach per post. To no surprise, Facebook has been able to boost the reach of their adverts far more than it ever was and it has therefore become the most popular social media advertising channel for businesses.

In essence, what I am actually saying is that, most of your audience are on Facebook and the best way to reach them is to advertise.

Don’t know how to effectively advertise? Whatsapp us or Contact us.

Main Pointers of a Facebook ad

Now that you know that you need a Facebook ad, the next logical step is making that ad greatTo do so, there are a few elements every ad must have.

  1. It must be visual and beautiful

When it comes to social media, the possibility of a visual content to be reacted to or shared is far higher than other types of content, likewise when it comes to advertisements. To make a advert to be effective and carry out its proposed action, it must have a great and commanding visual effect on people.

So, what makes a visual element effective?

  • It takes up the majority of your screen
  • It features your product or service, either stand alone or in use
  • Any text is simple, short and legible
  • Backgrounds are bold to attract attention
  1. It’s short and concise.

Your ad isn’t what sells your product; it’s what catches potential customer’s eyes and gaze. The most effective length for an ad title on Facebook is just four words — and 15 words for a link description. This tells us that users don’t want to read paragraphs and full product descriptions; they want to immediately know what you’re selling and where you’re trying to send them.

They do, however, want to know what your product or service will do for them and how it’s different from anything else on the market. That’s your value proposition, and it needs to be clear to your readers.

Click here to contact us for samples

  1. It has a clear call to action.

No matter how attractive an advert is, the customer will not know what to do unless you tell them. That is where a proper Call to Action comes in. It says “Click here”, “Download Now” or even “Call us today to get 15% discounts”. Its perfect if you can customize it to your needs and make the users an even bigger reason to consider you.

These are the main pointers for creating a Advert.

Please note, they can also be in video format.

Contact us for more details.

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